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Forever Young BBL

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The RNA expression of aging skin treated with Forever Young BBL more closely resembles that of a young, untreated skin

The Difference

Forever Young BBL is the only device that has been shown to change the expression of genes associated with aging, longevity, and increased lifespan. With regular Forever Young BBL treatments, patients’ skin looks clear, smooth, and much younger.

Forever Young BBL Benefits:

  • Zero downtime: Patients resume normal activities immediately.
  • Long lasting results: Studies include patients treated 10+ years ago.
  • Fast treatment: Average treatment time of 12-15 minutes for a full face.
  • Effective on all body areas: Face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.
The RNA expression of aging skin treated with Forever Young BBL more closely resembles that of a young, untreated skin


First study to demonstrate BBL treatments can restore gene expression pattern of aged human skin to resemble young skin.

Results: Over 1,000 gene expressions became “rejuvenated” to be more like youthful skin resulting in decreased elastosis and more uniform collagen deposition; leading to improvements in fine wrinkles and pigmentation.

Rejuvenation of Gene Expression Pattern of Aged Human Skin by Broadband Light Treatment: A Pilot Study. Chang A, Bitter P, et al. (2012) Journal of Investigative Dermatology advance online publication 30 August 2012


The first long-term, visual and clinical evaluation of BBL treatments. Blinded panel of physician evaluators determined BBL treated patients appeared 9 years younger than their actual age.

Results: “Patients who maintain a regular regimen of BBL treatments annually can reduce and delay the long term signs of skin aging in a way that looks very natural.”

Retrospective Evaluation of the Long-term Antiaging Effects of Broadband Light Therapy. Bitter, P, Pozner, J. (2013) Retrospective Evaluation of the Long-term Antiaging Effects of Broadband Light Therapy. Cosmetic Dermatology, February 2013, 34-40.

What if there were a treatment that could slow down the aging clock and keep you forever young?

Video: Forever Young BBL Patient Testimonial


Forever Young BBL is the only device that has been shown to change the expression of genes associated with aging, longevity, and increased lifespan. With regular Forever Young BBL treatments, patients’ skin looks clear, smooth, and much younger. Photo rejuvenation is the only procedure that can treat vascular redness, the appearance of rosacea, pigmented brown spots, sun damage, skin texture, and collagen structure all at once. With the use of BBL therapy — an advanced version of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology — dramatic improvements can now be accomplished with little or no downtime and with very minimal discomfort. Time and lifestyle choices also affect the appearance of our complexion. This aged look may include freckles, rosacea, wrinkles, broken capillaries, dark spots, blotchy skin color, redness of the face and neck, enlarged pore size and uneven pigmentation.

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