Age 30, height 5’11”, weight 150 pounds, has one child. Her goal was to be a full C cup. She is very active and didn’t want her breasts to be so big that they would hinder her activity. She also wanted a very natural appearance. Because of her nipple ptosis (droop), she needed to have her nipples repositioned with a lift before she could have an augmentation. To address her breast ptosis (droop), we suggested to proceed with a mastopexy (breast lift) to correct these issues of sagging and appearance. This also allowed us to reduce the size of her areolae, which were stretched out and too large for her breasts. She later underwent augmentation with 325cc smooth round high profile silicone gel implants placed subpectorally (under the muscle) via the lower mastopexy scar. Both procedures were performed in-office in our fully accredited (AAAASF) facility under light sedation and local anesthesia. Results shown at 2 months after augmentation.